Do you know each other?

时间:2017-10-28 15:10:12 高考英语作文 我要投稿

Do you know each other?

  英语口语想聊就聊 第21期:你们俩认识吗?

Do you know each other?


  Do you two know each other? 你们俩认识吗?


  Bill邀请1位美国好友去看电影,电影开演前10分钟他来到了电影院。好友已在那儿等他了。Bill注意到他朋友身边的那位女士看起来很面熟。仔细一看,原来是他在美国进修时的同班同学。没等朋友介绍,他们就互相打招呼。朋友很惊讶地问道:“Do you two know each other? "Bill兴奋地说道:“Right.We are quite familiare.".


  Benjamin: Do you two know each other?


  Todd: Yeah, we were classmates when I was in university.



  each other 指两者,意为”彼此,相互“。如: We should take care of each other and help each other. 我们应该相互关心,互相帮助。美国人经常会说:美国人经常会说: Do you two know each other? 这个句子含有一点出乎意外的意思,指原以为他们不认识,却突然发现他们彼此相识。

【Do you know each other?】相关文章:

1.你认识我吗-Do You Know Me?

2.A child you know

3.Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful

4.Do you like me?

5.Do you like me?

6.What Do You Like?

7.Do you like me?

8.Do you like me?