你对奥运会有什么看法英语作文:What do you think of

时间:2018-05-05 16:18:29 大学英语作文 我要投稿

你对奥运会有什么看法英语作文:What do you think of the Olympic Games?

  To those who intend to protest against the Olympics, let me say this; you need to understand the whole issue before joining in the protest to disrupt the Olympic Game. Here is some information.

你对奥运会有什么看法英语作文:What do you think of the Olympic Games?

  In preparing for the Olympics, China has made great effort to clean up the environment, making the streets clean and the air quality better. The Government and its people are now more conscious about protecting the environment from pollution.

  The Olympics creates a great opportunity for the ordinary Chinese people to come into contact with many athletics and visitors. By doing so, they will be more exposed to western ideas and system which will eventually influence the further social and political reform of the country.

  In welcoming the Olympic, 200 millions Chinese are learning English with the dream of joining the rest of the world. This will help in the democratic reform of China. Those who are against the Beijing Olympic may not be aware that they are killing this dream.

  The people in China are made up of more than 50 tribes, including the Tibetans tribe and the majority Han Chinese. Many tourists travel to various parts of China, including Tibet, to experience the cultures of the minority tribes. China has made great effort in preserving the cultures of the minority tribes. You can find 500 monks in just one temple. How many priests can you find in a church?

  Some people say that Tibetans should be separated from China because they are a different people, have different language and with different culture. If this is the case, then should Hawaii and Alaska be separated from America? Merely being different is not enough to split up a country.

  Some people say Tibetans are treated poorly. But many visitors to Tibet will tell you that Tibetans are free to practice their culture and religion (that is why visitors go there). Tibetans are also not subject to the strict China one-child policy, meaning Tibetans can have many children.

  Tibetans culture is actually a mix of Chinese culture and local Tibetan practice. China and Tibet has long historical tie. In the 7th century, the Tibetans were all nomadic people living in the wild, at most at tents without religion. The Chinese Princess Wencheng married the Tibetans King Songtson Gambo in the year 634 and introduced agriculture, poultry farming, printing and other technologies to Tibet. Above all, Buddhism was introduced and practiced until now. The Chinese engineers and trades person built the famous tourist attractions in Lhasa, the Jhongkang Temple and the Potala Palace during the 7th centuries.

  In any country, there are always a small group of people who do not like their government. Foreigners may be sympathetic to them. But there is no reason why they must disrupt the Olympic Game. What has a sporting event has to do with this small group of people?

  So please think over it before you join in the protest against the Olympics.

【你对奥运会有什么看法英语作文:What do you think of the Olympic Games?】相关文章:

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