The Person Who Has Influenced Me Mos

时间:2022-03-31 09:38:53 满分作文 我要投稿

The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most优秀满分英语作文

  在我们平凡的日常里,许多人都写过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编整理的The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most优秀满分英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most优秀满分英语作文


  学校英语社团在举办征文比赛,请你根据以下提示内容,写一篇题为“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”的英语文章。内容要点如下:











  The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most

  My mother is the person who has influenced me most.

  She is in her forties. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She often works extra hours. She has devoted most of her time to her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor.

  I hope I can be a person like her. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself.

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