Save Earth

时间:2017-10-28 13:53:59 小学英语作文 我要投稿

Save Earth

欢迎同学们投稿 Th s s the earth. The green part s land. The blue part s sea. The h te part s clouds. ur earth s very beaut ful and nterest ng. There are r vers, streams, seas and lakes. There are h lls and mounta ns. There are oods, jungles and forests. There are many countr es and c t es. There are many people l ve n them. Do you th nk the earth s very onderful?  
  any years ago, the earth s very clean. But no adays there s much pollut on on the earth. There s a r pollut on, land pollut on and ater pollut on。People are cutt ng do n the forests.          
  any ld an mals, b rds and nsects lose the r homes. People are k ll ng an mals for the r food and the r sk ns. t’s very cruel. People are pollut ng the land, the ater and the a r. People must stop do ng th s. e must save the earth. 欢迎同学们投稿

【Save Earth】相关文章:

1.Save Earth

2.小学英语作文Save Earth

3.小升初英语作文:Save Earth

4.长沙小升初满分英语作文:Save Earth

5.六年级英语作文:Save Earth

6.Save Water

